General Rules
- Must wear official uniform (OOW: White shirt, Black pants), (Chief mate: White shirt, Khaki pants), (Master; White shirt, Gray pants).
- Must keep hair neat and tidy (do not dye or long).
- Rules for the class time and in classroom
- To bring student ID card whenever comes to school
- To be at school 5 minutes before the class time
- To keep the mobile phone in silent mode
- Not to use internet, phone and text message in lecture time
- Not to smoke or chewing beetle leaves in lecture time
- Not to bring any valuable things into the classroom (If they are brought in, it is only the responsibility of the student who brings in.)
- To check the belongings before leaving the school
- Fighting
- Carrying or consumption of dangerous objects or drugs
- Involving in any illegal actions
- Vandalizing school property
- Using fake documents in applications (will be expelled or canceled as soon as found out)
- Theft
- Un-appropriate manners to female instructors and staffs