Myanmar Excellent Stars - Maritime Training Centre (MES-MTC) equip Full Mission Bridge Simulator (240 degrees) for training purpose which is manufactured by Applied Research International (ARI). It complies fully the requirements of STCW (2010 Manila Amendments), Regulation I/12 and STCW Code A - I/12. ARI hold the “Statement of Compliance” with statement No: 001/140404 for that product, and it is issued by DNV-GL.
Qualified instructors and assessors control the various situations and environmental conditions for realism, to ensure that the candidates perform practical duties in Navigation Watch and enhance their skills in bridge operations and procedures. Reasonable and practicable exercises are prepared by Qualified Instructors and Assessors for each training course.
The following STCW trainings are conducted by using Bridge Full Mission:
- Navigation Watch of Officer In-Charge ;
- Bridge Resources Management and Use of Leadership and Managerial Skills (STCW A- II/2);
- Bridge Resources Management and Use of Leadership and Team-working Skills (STCW A- II/1);
- Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all conditions (STCW A-II/2).